Donnerstag, 16. August 2012

Enable Nintex Workflow Feature on all Subsites

If you want to use a resuable Nintex Workflow on a content type in your subsites you have to activated the Nintex Web Feature on all subwebs.

Use this Script:

$web = get-spweb http://sharepointroot
function EnableNintexWorkflowSiteFeature( $w )
    $ws = $w.Webs;
    foreach( $subweb in $ws)
    echo 'Enabling Nintex Workflow on site : ' $w.Url
    Enable-SPFeature NintexWorkflowWeb -url $w.Url
echo 'Enabling Nintex Workflow on site : ' + $web.Url
EnableNintexWorkflowSiteFeature $web

Please update “http://sharepointroot” to your SharePoint-URL.
